Join The FOUND Program


It's time to reclaim YOU in motherhood.

Emerge with renewed confidence and clarity. 

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When I had my first child, it felt like a whirlwind had swept me up and left me disoriented.

I loved my career, hobbies, and relationships and I didn't want them to change.

I was losing myself, and it scared me alongside loving my baby.

Then I learned of matrescence and I understood how my motherhood changes had silenced me.

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Hello, I'm Renee. 

As a People and Culture leader, I witnessed many women struggling during their return to work.

When I became a mother I started to understand the barriers and what needs to be done to support women in motherhood, their careers and in life. 

The truth is, I wrote this program for me.

It's time to cancel Superwoman.

It's nice to meet you!

More about me

Designed For You:

  • Self-paced development at a time that suits you
  • 3 stages to guide you through this life phase with confidence and clarity
  • Short impactful lessons led by motherhood experts

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